- Had tried the regular Newman's Own and found it left an aftertast- I do use cream and sweetener but that didn't seem to affect the problem- thought the decaf would be different- sad to say, it wasn't-
- This coffee was too weak for me. I found some Green Mountain French Roast decaf at a local Bed and Bath store and really like it - it's bolder, stronger.
Green Mountain Coffee Newman's Special Decaf, K-Cup Portion Pack for Keurig K-Cup Brewers, Certified Organic, 24-Count Best Price !! Best Deals !!

Product Features- Coffee K-Cup for Keurig Gourmet Single Cup Brewer; no messy grinding or clean up
- Airtight to lock in freshness and flavor
- Brewing occurs inside the K-Cup so no flavor residue is left behind to spoil the next cup.
- Please note: 'regular', 'bold' and 'extra bold' refer to the amount of coffee in the K-Cup